Lets Start to Draw a SN Light Curve Main Page

ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue

Date: January, 10 2018

P.V.Baklanov, S.I.Blinnikov, D.Yu.Tsvetkov, N.N.Pavlyuk

This is the Version of Catalogue in the Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia (ITEP)

Quick start: to draw observable and theoretical model light curves: here, http://dau.itep.ru/sncurve/saisnlcexec.php , or 2) to study supernova observable and theoretical model light curves with help of cluster analysis (under construction) here, http://dau.itep.ru/sncurve/lcurvecluster.php .

ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue (ISSLCC) unites theoretical and observational light curves of supernovae (SNe).

The set of supernova models has been calculated here using the radiation-hydrodynamics code Stella (Blinnikov et al.). Stella uses multi-energy groups to compute the coupling of radiation transfer to the gas dynamics and produces multi-colour and bolometric light curves. Baklanov et al. created "The theoretical catalogue of SN II light curves" with help of STELLA code.

Some data on observational light curves of SNe, discovered up to 2010, were taken from SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue (Tsvetkov, 1986; new version: Tsvetkov, Pavlyuk, 2016, in preparation) and transformed into the database structure.

We also added to ISSLCC the data on distance and light extinction in the direction of SN, dates and magnitudes of light curve peaks in different filters, and other parameters which are necessary for the calculation of absolute magnitudes of SN.

Another possibility which is realized in this demo version is the search of the theoretical absolute supernova light curves which are near to the test supernova light curve. The test curve could be observable or theoretical one, taken from inside ISSLCC or given to computer code by user.

This work has been performed with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant RFBR N 13-02-92119) and State Support of Leading Scientific Schools (no. SS 3458.2010.2).

Proceed to Work with ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue.

"Theoretical" part of ISSLCC.

THEOR.0: View Theoretical Model Parameters and Light Curves

"Observational" part of ISSLCC (SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue).

OBS.1: Draw observable and theoretical model light curves, list light curve parameters, calculate the distance between curves.
OBS.2: Study supernova observable and theoretical model light curves with help of cluster analysis (under construction).

Help on the Use of Catalogues. (Under Construction.)

Proceed to Help on the Use of Catalogues.

What is New? (Under Construction.)

Proceed to What is new?


(C) ITEP-SAI Supernova Study Collaboration. Moscow, Russia. 2006-2016.
(C) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernova Group, Moscow, Russia (MSU, SAI)
Supported by grants of RFBR (13-02-92119), "Scientific Schools of Russia (3458.2010.2)".
(C) Internet site space and support of Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia (ITEP)