Supernova Light Curve Catalogues

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SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue
0: SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue Home and Information
1: List All Parameters
2: Draw a Light Curve
3: Find Nearest SN Light Curve for a Test Light Curve or a Fragment of Light Curve
4: Superimpose a User's Fragment of Light Curve onto Real SN Light Curve
5: Compare User's and Supernova Light Curves with Each Other
6: Dynamic Online Investigation of Light Curves (Under construction)
7: To ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue (View Theoretical and Observational Light Curves)
6: Dynamic Online Investigation of Light Curves (Under construction)
Now we are testing a new powerful option for manipulation on the light curves. One could try it if your computer is sufficiently powerful and your modern browser have javascript language support.
Input pairs Required for (1)
Like 1993J, 1999em. Points of light curve are red and x-kind.
U,B,V,R,or I
Visual, Smooth, or Absolute Magnitudes (Under Construction)
Include four artificial points on graph to let User make splien approximation.
Aqua points, connected by a green line. (Under Construction)
Include four artificial points on graph to let User make interpolation between points.
This is the color of points. (Under Construction)
Draw a User Light Curve (Moveable), points are green circles (if no regression applied) or
red circles with blue rim in the other case. (Under Construction)
Apply polynomial regression to Users or SNs light curve (Under construction)
This is the color of line.
One could change the degree of polynomial with help of slider (Under Construction)
Start julian date. Useful for making regression on the part of supernova light curves.
Works only for supernova not User's light curve!
End jul date
Stop. Wrong User's Light Curve Fragment! Please reinput it inside Textarea for user's light curve