Seminar RSCF
Extreme fluxes of photons and neutrinos in stellar collapses and explosions, with account of non-sphericity and non-equilibrium plasma processes.
11:00 К.В.Мануковский, А.В.Юдин Состояние работы по вращающимся ядрам звёзд
11:40 И.В.Панов Новости с Совещания Compstar+Brainstorming(Basel)
PhD students in cosmology, astrophysics at the Novosibirsk State University
This fall we have an opening for a few PhD students in cosmology, astrophysics,
and particle physics (both theory and experiment) at the newly organized center
on Particle Physics and Astrophysics at the Novosibirsk State University
In cosmology and astrophysics we have the world renounced
professors such as S. Blinnikov and I. Tkachev. There are also very
good professors in particle physics.
Защита кандидатской диссертации Бакланова Петра
Дата защиты: 18 марта 2014 г.
Бакланов Пётр Валерьевич
Диссертация «Радиационно-гидродинамические модели сверхновых для целей космологии и неЛТР эффекты»
Рабочее совещание "Мощные Сверхновые звёзды и Гамма-всплески, зондирующие Вселенную на космологических расстояниях"
Совместное соверщание рабочей группы по изучению сверхновых ГАИШ-ИТЭФ-Konan Univ., Kobe
- Дмитрий Бадьин: Thermal Emission in Gamma-ray burst afterglows,
- Пётр Бакланов: DSM - supernovae IIn for cosmology
- Семён Глазырин: Turbulent flames in SNIa
- Марат Поташов: NLTE in SNe
Защита докторской диссертации Пановым Игорем Витальевичем
Дата защиты: 11 марта 2014 г.
Future of laser fusion
Some speculations on laser fusion perspectives were published in the recent issue of Nature journal. According to this article the ignition could happen at NIF by the end of 2012. But more unexpected fact (for me) was the existence of LIFE project. More information on it could be found on LLNL site.
News on Higgs boson
Today (March 7) on the conference "Rencontres de Moriond" recent results from Higgs searching experiments were presented. There is some excess at 125-126 GeV but only in gamma-gamma and ZZ channels (ZZ channel in CMS is peaked around 119 GeV). But WW channel do not contribute as expected. Both CDF and D0 see a broad excess which could be consistent with signal at 125 GeV. Right now this is a good indication of a Higgs boson, but it is not a discovery, this excess could potentially diminish further.
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Скорость нейтрино возвращается на место?
Кажется, это похоже на правду:
(спасибо Г.В.Домогацкому за эту ссылку).
It appears that the faster-than-light neutrino results, announced last September by the OPERA collaboration in Italy, was due to a mistake after all. A bad connection between a GPS unit and a computer may be to blame.