Q E D kyoo ee dee quod erat demonstrandom kwawd 'e raht day mawn 'strahn dum

quadrangle 'kwah dra[ng] guhl

quadrant 'kwah druhnt

quadratic kwah 'dra dik

quadratrix 'kwahd ruh triks

quadrature 'kwah druh chuhr

quadric 'kwah drik

quadrillion kwuh 'dril yuhn

quantifier 'kwahn tuh fy uhr

quantita, in quam cum multiplicetur diameter, provenient circumferentia kwahn 'tee tah een kwahm mul ti pli 'kay tur di ah 'may ter proh 'ven yent keer kum fe rayn 'tee ah

quartic 'kwawr dik

quartile 'kwawr tyl

quasiperiodic 'kwa ,zy ,pir ee 'ah dik

quaternion kwuh 'tuhr nee uhn

Raymond Queneau

Lambert Adolphe Quetelet kayt leh

queue kyoo

quincunx 'kwin ,ku[ng]ks

quintic 'kwin tik

quintillion kwin 'til yuhn

quod erat demonstrandom kwawd 'e raht day mawn 'strahn dum

quota 'kwoh tuh

quotient 'kwoh shuhnt


Rabdologia (Napier)

racines fausses

radian 'ray dee uhn

radical 'ra di kuhl

radius 'ray dee uhs

radix 'ray diks

Srinivasa Ramanujan 1887-1920

random 'ran duhm

Joseph Raphson fl. 1690

ratio 'ray ,shoh

rational 'rash nuhl

rationalize 'rash nuh ,lyz

Raum, Zeit, und Materie (Weyl)

ray ray

real reel

Rechnung (Apianus)

reciprocal ri 'sip ruh kuhl

Robert Recorde 1510-1558 re 'kord

rectangular ,rek 'ta[ng] yuh luhr

rectifiable 'rek tuh fy uh buhl

recurring ri 'kuhr i[ng]

recursive ri 'kuhr siv

reductio ad absurdum re duk tee oh ad ahd sur dum

reflection ri 'flek shuhn

refraction ri 'frak shuhn

region 'ree juhn

regular 'reg yuh luhr regular curve 'reg yuh luhr kuhrv

Karl Reinhardt

remainder ri 'mayn duhr

removable ri 'moov uh buhl

repeated ri 'peed uhd


residue 're zuh ,doo

Joachim Reticus

Henry Rhind

rho roh

rhombus 'rahm buhss

ribbon 'ri buhn

Ricci 'Reet chee

Louis-Paul-Emile Richard

Charles F. Richter

P. H. Richter

C. J. Rieger

D. Riemann

George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann 1826-66 'ree ,mahn Riemann hypothesis 'ree ,mahn hy ,pah thuh sis

right ryt

J. Ritt

Ronald Rivest

Douglas Robertson

Julia Robinson 1919-85

Richard Rochberg

rodeo 'roh dee ,oh

Michel Rolle 1652-1719 rol

root rut

rose rohz

J. Barkley Rosser

roulette roo 'let

round rownd rounding 'rownd i[ng]

route root

Christoff Rudolff

David Ruelle

Paolo Ruffini 1765-1822

Carle David Tolmé Runge 1856-1927 karl 'day vid ? 'ru[ng] uh

Runge-Kutta method 'ru[ng] uh 'kud uh ,meth uhd

Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 'ruhs uhl

Ernest Rutherford


saddle 'sa duhl

sagitta suh 'ji duh

St. Augustine saynt 'aw gus teen

Lee Sallows

Gregorie de Sainte Vincent

George Salmon

scalar 'skay luhr

scalene 'skay ,leen

Scherk's surface

Erwin Schrödinger

Manfred Schroeder 'schray duhr

Schwarz schvartz

Karl Schwarzschild


sec secant 'see kant

secant 'see kant

sech ,hy per ,bahl ik 'see kant

sector 'sek tuhr

sectorgram 'sek tuhr ,gram

segment 'seg muhnt

Segrè 'se gray

semiperimeter ,sem igh ,puh 'rim uhd uhr


septillion sep 'til yuhn


sequence 'see kwuhns

series 'sir eez

set set

sexagesimal ,sek suh ,jez uh muhl

sextant 'sek stant

sextic 'sek stik

sextillion sek 'stil yuhn

sgn signum 'sig nuhm

Adi Shamir

William Shanks

Claude E. Shannon 'shan uhn

Lloyd Shapley

Frans van Shooten 1625-60

Marin Shubik


side syd

Sierpinski suhr 'pin skee Sierpinski carpet suhr 'pin skee 'kahr pet

sieve siv

sigma 'sig muh

sign syn

significant sig 'nif i kuhnt

signum 'sig nuhm

similar ,sim uh luhr

simple ,sim puhl

simplex 'sim ,pleks

simply 'sim plee

Thomas Simpson 1710-61 'sim suhn

simultaneous ,sy muhl 'tay nee uhss

Yasha Sinaï

sin sine syn

sine syn

singular 'si[ng] gyuh luhr

sinh ,hy per ,bahl ik syn

sinusoidal ,sy nuh 'soyd uhl

skew skyoo

S. Skewes

Skewes' number

Daniel Sleator

slide rule 'slyd ,rool

slope slohp

David Slowinski

Steven Smale

David Smith

Henry J. S. Smith

Willebrod von Roijen Snell

solidus 'sah luh duss

Ray J. Solomonoff

solution suh 'loo shuhn

Mary Somerville 1780-1872

Sopra le scoperte di dadi (Galileo)

sphere sfir

spherical 'sfir uh kuhl

E. Spiegal

Baruch Spinoza

spiral 'spy ruhl

squaring the circle 'skwer i[ng] thuh 'sur kuhl

stadia 'stay dee uh

stadium 'stay dee uhm

stationary 'stay shuh nehr ee

statistics stuh 'tis tiks

Jacob Steiner 1796-1863

Paul Steinhardt

Hugo Steinhaus

De Stella Nova (Kepler)

step function

Simon Stevin fl. 1585

Thomas Jan Stieltjes 1856-1894 'toh mahs yahn 'steel tyuhs

Michael Stifel c1487-1567

James Stirling

stochastic stoh 'kass tik

George Gabriel Stokes 1819-1903 stohks

strange attractor

strata 'stra duh

strategy 'stra duh jee

stratified 'stra duh fyd

stratify 'stra duh ,fy

stratum 'stra duhm

strophoid 'strah ,foyd

Dirk Struik


suan pan (also suan p'an)

subset 'suhb set

subtend suhb 'tend

subtraction suhb 'trak shuhn

subtrahend 'suhb truh ,hend

sum suhm

Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportion: et Proportionalita (Pacioli)

Karl Sundham

surd suhrd

surface 'suhr fuhss

Gerald Sussman

James Joseph Sylvester 1814-97 sil 'ves tuhr

symmetric suh 'me trik

symmetry 'sim uh tree


Floris Takens

talus 'tay luhss

tan tangent 'tan jent

Chao Tang

tangent 'tan jent

tangential tan 'jen chuhl

tanh ,hy per ,bahl ik 'tan jent

Robert Tarjan

Alfred Tarski

Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia 1500-57 tahr 'tal yuh

tau tow

tautology taw 'tah luh jee

Tayl tayl

Brook Taylor 1685-1731 'tay luhr

Jean Taylor

Pafnuti Luovich Tchebycheff 1821-94 'cheb ih sheff (Chebyshev, Chebychev, Tchebysheff, Cebysev, Tshebychev)

telescopic ,tel uh ,skahp ik

telescoping ,tel uh 'skohp i[ng]

Madame de Tencin

tensor 'ten suhr

tera- 'tair uh

Herman J. J. te Riele

term tuhrm

terminating ,tuhr muh ,nayd i[ng]

ternary 'tuhr nuh ree

tetradic te 'trad ik

tetrahedron ,te truh 'hee druhn

tetrus ,te 'truhss

Thales of Miletus c634-548 'thay leez

Theano c 6th Century BC the o ,naw (e as in tetrus, not the word the) (Note: The ancient Greeks would have pronounced the th as t in top.)

theorem 'thir uhm

Theorie Analytique des Probabilities (Laplace)

theory 'thir ee


theta 'thay duh

De Thiende (Stevin)

René Thom

Edwin L. Thomas

J. J. Thomson

William Thomson

thought thawt

William Thurston

tiling 'ty li[ng]

titanic ty 'ta nik titanic primes ty 'ta nik 'prymz

Johann Titius fl. 1780

Evangelista Torricelli 1608-47

torsion 'tor ,shuhn

torus 'tohr uhss

trace trayss

tractrix 'trak ,triks

Traité de Dynamique (d'Alembert)

Traité de Mécanique Céleste (Laplace)

Traité du Triangle Arithmétique (Pascal)

trajectory truh 'jek tuhree

transcendental ,tran 'sen ,dent uhl

transfinite trants 'fy nyt

transform (noun) 'trants ,fohrm

transform (verb) tranz 'fohrm

transformation ,trants fuhr 'may shuhn

transitive 'trant suh div

translation tran 'slay shuhn

transpose 'tranz pohz

trapezoid 'trap uh zoyd

trapezoidal ,trap uh 'zoyd uhl

traveling salesman problem

trefoil 'tre ,foyl

triangle 'try a[ng] guhl

triangulation try ,a[ng] gyoo 'lay shuhn

trigonometric ,trig uh nuh ,me trik

trigonometry ,trig uh 'nahm uh tree

trihedral try 'hee druhl

trillion 'tril yuhn

trinomial try 'noh mee uhl

Triparty en las science des nombres (Chuquet)

trisection try 'sek shuhn

trit trit

Johannes Trithemius fl. 1510

trivial 'tri vee uhl

Troy troy

truncate 'truh[ng] ,kayt

truncation truh[ng] 'kay shuhn

Tsu Ch'ang-chih 430-501

Alan Turing 'tur i[ng]

twin primes twin prymz