Пример обращения к программе ThermRate находится в файле main.for
File INPUT-TEST.dat defines printinf indexes: IS1, IS2, IS3, minimal NZ and maximal NH (NH>NZ) numbers of chemical elements as well as hot plasma temperature T9 (temperature/1.d9), for which the rates can be defined. Both of examples are showen in the file "ThermRate v1.0.for"
The results -
c where "imr" defines the reaction:
c imr=2 (gamma,n)
c imr=3 (gamma,p)
c imr=6 (gamma,alpha)
c imr=4 (n,gamma)
c imr=5 (p,gamma)
c imr=7 (alpha,gamma)
c imr=8 (p,n)
c imr=9 (n,p)
c imr=10 == (a,n)
c imr=11 == (n,a)
c imr=12 == (a,p)
c imr=13 == (p,a)
The Libraries used: NETSU (reaclib) [1] PARTS [1] can be taken from present directory or from NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI: http://dbserv.pnpi.spb.ru/elbib/tablisot/toi98/www/astro/astrorte.htm http://dbserv.pnpi.spb.ru/elbib/tablisot/toi98/www/astro/friedel.htm
rate24frdm.txt [2,3] part_frdm.dat [2,3]
table5frdm.dat [4], see https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2010/05/aa11967-09/aa11967-09.html http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/513/A61