Supernova Light Curve Catalogues

SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue
0: SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue Home and Information
1: List All Parameters
2: Draw a Light Curve
3: Find Nearest SN Light Curve for a Test Light Curve or a Fragment of Light Curve
4: Superimpose a User's Fragment of Light Curve onto Real SN Light Curve
5: Compare User's and Supernova Light Curves with Each Other
6: Dynamic Online Investigation of Light Curves (Under construction)
7: To ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue (View Theoretical and Observational Light Curves)
5: Compare User's and Supernova Light Curves with Each Other (UNDER CONSTRUCTION!)
Input pairs Required for (1)
Like 1993J. Required for (2)
U,B,V,R,or I
Rel.juldate limits (-30,200), Abs.mag. limits (-21,-11)
Min Rel.juldate
Max Rel.juldate
Min Abs. Mag.
Max Abs. Mag.
Types of Light Curves
Show a Part of Legend
Ranges of values: (0-90), (10-100), Max-Min>10 percents!
Ranges of values: (0-90), (10-100), Max-Min>10 percents!

(C) ITEP-SAI Supernova Study Collaboration. Moscow, Russia. 2006-2013.
(C) Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia (ITEP)
(C) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernova Group, Moscow, Russia (MSU, SAI)
Supported by grants of "Scientific Schools of Russia (3458.2010.2)", RFBR (10-02-00249)