e ee

eccentricity ,ek sen 'tris uhd ee

ecliptic i 'klip tik

Arthur Stanley Eddington 1882-1944

Brother Edvin fl. 1240 e. g. exempli gratia means for example cf. i. e.

Albert Einstein 1879-1955 'iyn shtyn

Max Eisenstein

Elements (Euclid)

ellipse ih 'lips

ellipsis ih 'lip siss

ellipsoid ih 'lip soyd

elliptic ih 'lip tik


ENIAC 'ee nee ak

Enigma ih 'nig muh

entropy 'en truh pee


Enumeratio linearum tertil ordinis (Newton)

epicycle 'e puh ,sy kuhl

Epimenides fl. c500 B.C. ep ih 'men ih deez

epsilon 'ep suh ,lahn

equal 'ee kwuhl

equation ih 'kway zhuhn

equidistant ee kwuh 'dis tuhnt

equilateral ,ee kwuh ,lad uh ruhl

Eratosthenes of Cyrene c276-c194 ,er uh 'tahs thuh neez sy 'ree nee

Paul Erdös 1913-97 powl 'ayr dish Erdös number 'ayr dish 'nuhm buhr

Erlangen Program air 'la[ng] en 'proh ,gram


Maurits Cornelis Escher 1898-1972 'mow rits kawr 'nah luhs 'es KHuhr English: 'esh uhr T. Estermann

eta 'ay duh

Etruscan Venus ee 'truhs kuhn 'vee nuhss

Euclidean yoo 'klid ee yuhn

Euclid of Alexandria ?330-275 Here's looking at yoo klid al eg 'zan dree uh

Euclid of Megara ?450-374 yoo klid 'meg uh ruh

Eudemus of Rhodes fl. c320 B.C. 'yoo duh muhs rohdz

Eudoxis of Cnidus 408-355 yoo'dahk suhs 'ny duhs

Leonard Euler 1707-83 'oy ler rhymes with toiler

Euler-Mascheroni constant 'oy ler mahs ke 'roh nee

Euler's number 'oy lerz 'nuhm buhr

evolute 'ev uh loot

exa- 'eks uh

excluded middle eks 'klood uhd 'mi dl

exclusion principle eks 'kloo zhuhn 'print suh puhl

exhaustions ig 'zaws chuns method of exaustions 'me thuhd uhv ig 'zaws chuns

exponent 'ek ,spoh nuhnt

exponential ,ek spuh 'nen chuhl

exterior ek 'stir ee uhr

extraneous ek 'strayn ee uhss

extrema ek 'stree muh

extreme ek 'streem

extremum ek 'streem uhm


factor 'fak tuhr

factorial fak 'tohr ee uhl

Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit 1686-1736 'gahb ree el 'dahn yel 'fah ruhn hyt English: 'far uhn ,hyt fair game fair gaym

Michael Faraday 1791-1867 'my kuhl 'far uh ,day

Farey 'far ee Farey sequence 'far ee ,see kwuhns

Pierre Fatou fah 'too

Gustav Theodor Fechner 1601-65 'gus ,tahf 'tay oh ,dohr 'feKH nuhr

Mitchell J. Feigenbaum Feigenbaum's constant

femto- ,fem toh


Pierre de Fermat 1601-65 fehr 'mah

Lodovico Ferrari 1522-65 ,loo daw 'vee koh fer 'rah ree

Scipione del Ferro 1465-1520

Richard Phillip Feynman 1918-88 'fyn man

Fibonacci c1170-after1240 ,fee buh 'nahch ee (also: Leonardo of Pisa)

finite 'fy nyt

George Francis FitzGerald 1851-1901 jorj 'fran suhss fits 'jer uhld

Fleury fluhr ee

Henry Fliegel

floating point 'flohd i[ng] poynt

Flos (Fibonacci)

fluxions 'fluhk shuhnz method of fluxions 'me thuhd uhv 'fluhk shuhnz

focal 'foh kuhl focal point 'foh kuhl poynt

foci 'foh ,sy

focus 'foh kuss

folium 'foh lee uhm

formula 'fohr myuh luh

Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier 1768-1830 zhahN bah teest zhoh zef foo 'Ryay

Marjorie Fox

fractal 'frak tuhl

fraction 'frak shuhn

Michael Freedman

Fredrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege 1848-1625 'fray guh

frequency 'free ,kwuhn see

Augustin Jean Fresnel 1788-1827 fray 'nel

Alexander Friedmann 1888-1925 freed man

friendship problem 'fren ship ,prahb lem

Gemma Frisius 1505-55

Georg Frobenius

frusta 'fruhs tuh

frustum 'fruhs tuhm

function 'fuh[ng]k shuhn

functional 'fuh[ng]k shuhn uhl

fuzzy 'fuhz ee



Galilean gal i 'lay uhn

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642 gal i 'lay oh gal i 'lay ee

George H. Gallup 1901-84

Évariste Galois 1811-32 gal 'wah cf. avoidupois

Francis Galton 1822-1911 'gawl tn

game gaym

gamma 'ga muh

Martin Gardner

James A. Garfield 1831-81

George Gasper

gauge invariance gayj ,in 'vair ee uhnts

Johann Gauss

Karl Friedrich Gauss 1777-1855 gowss

Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac 1778-1850 gay l[ue] 'sak

Hans Wilhelm Geiger 1882-1945 'gy ger

gene jeen

generatrix ,jen uh ,ray triks

generatrices ,jen uh ,ray trih seez

Gerhard Gentzen

geodesic jee uh 'des ik

geodesy jee uh 'des ee

geometric ,jee uh 'me trik

Géométrie (Descarte)

geometry jee 'ahm uh tree

Sophie Germain 1776-1831 zhehR miN

Josiah Willard Gibbs 1839-1903 gibz

GIF jif (because its creators say so, even though the G is for graphics)

giga- 'gih guh or jih guh

glide glyd

global 'gloh buhl

gnomon 'noh muhn

gnomonic noh 'mahn ik

Kurt Gödel 1906-78 'g[oe]d uhl Should be something like girdle without the r English: 'gay duhl

Christian Goldbach 1690-1764 'gohl bahk Golbsp; 'gohl bahk Goldbach Conjecture 'gohl bahk kuhn ,jek chuhr

golden ratio 'gohl duhn 'ray ,shoh

golden section 'gohl duhn 'sek shuhn

Value is approximately 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374

Solomon Golomb

Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré fl. 1654 an twahn gohm bawd shuh 'val "yay de may ray


gon gahn

googol 'goo gawl

googolplex 'goo gawl ,pleks


Bill Gosper bil gah spuhr

Ferdinand Gottfried

gradient 'grayd ee uhnt

Ronald Graham

J. P. Gram

graph graf

Hermann Grassman 'gRahs mahn

greedy 'gree dee

George Green 1793-1841 green

James Gregorie 1638-75

Pope Gregory XIII (Gregorius XIII ) 1502-85 pohp 'greg uh ree (greg 'ohr ee uhs) John Gregory

Peter Grimm


Hermann Grossman

Grundgesestze der Arithmetik (Frege)

Catherina Gsell

Domenico Guglielmini

Karl Gustav

Francis Guthrie fl. 1852

gyration jy 'ray shuhn


Jacques Hadamard 1865-1963 'had uh ,mahr

Wolfgang Haken 1928-

Edmund Halley 1656-1742 'hal ee

Alexander Hamilton 'ham uhl tuhn

William Rowan Hamilton 1805-65

Hamiltonian 'ham uhl 'toh nee uhn

Richard Hamming 1915-

Heiko Harborth

G. H. Hardy 1877-1947

harmonic hahr 'mahn ik

Harriot fl. 1631

Edward Harrison

Felix Hausdorff 'howz dohrf

Oliver Heaviside 1850-1925

hect- or hecto- hekt or 'hek tuh

hectare 'hek ,tair

Carl Heiles

Werner Karl Heisenberg 1901-76 'hyzn berg


helical 'hee ,lik uhl

helix 'hee ,liks

Martin Hellman

hemisphere 'he me ,sfir

Michel Hénon

heptagon 'hep tuh gahn

heptakaidecagon ,hep tuh ky 'dek uh gahn

Pescheux d'Herbinville early 1600s

Charles Hermite 1822-1901 ehr 'meet

Hero of Alexandria c A.D. 75 'hir oh al eg 'zan dree uh


Heron (Hero of Alexandria) 'her awn

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz 1857-94

hexadecimal hek suh 'des muhl

hexagon 'hek suh gahn

hexahedron ,hek suh 'hee druhn

David Hilbert 1862-1943 'hil buhrt

George Hill 1862-1943

Joseph A. Hill

Hipparchus of Bithgnia 190-120

Hipparchus of Nicaea ?160-? B.C. hi 'pahr kuss ny 'see uh

Hippasus of Metapontum 'hip uh suhss met uh 'pahn tuhm

Hippocrates of Chios 450-400 'ky awss not to be confused with Hippocrates of Kos (Latin: Cos) kahs

Morris Hirsch

E. W. Hobson

David Hoffman


Douglas Hofstadter

John Holland

Herman Hollerith 1860-1929

Bernt Holmboe

homogeneous ,hoh muh 'jee nee uhs

Robert Hooke

Eberhard Hopf 1902-83 hawpf

Horner's method 'horn erz 'meth uhd

Marquis de l'Hospital 1661-1704 loh pee tal

Chia Hsien c1050

hsuan thu

T. C. Hu

John Hubbard

Edwin Hubble 1889-1953

Edward V. Huntington

John Hutchinson

Aldous Huxley

Christiaan Huygens 1629-95 'hy genz

Frank Hwang

Hypatia 370-415 hy 'pay shuh

hyperbola hy 'per buh luh

hyperbolic ,hy per ,bahl ik

hyperboloid hy 'per buh loyd

hypercube 'hy per ,kyoob

hypoteneuse hy 'paht n ,ooss