Colin Maclaurin 1698-1746 muh 'klawr uhn

Percy MacMahen

magic square 'maj ik skwair

magnitude 'mag nuh tood

Mark Mahasse

Thomas Malthus

al-Mamun 786-833 al mah 'moon (also al-Mamoun)

Benoit Mandelbrot

manifold 'man uh fohld

Irwin Mann

map map

mapping 'map i[ng]

Andrei Andreevich Markov 1856-1922 'mahr ,kahf

George Marsaglia

martingale 'mahr tuhn ,gayl

Lorenzo Mascheroni 1750-80

Baron Francis Maseres 1731-1824 'fran sis mah 'zair

mathematics ,math 'ma diks

mathematical ,ma thu 'mad uh kuhl

maths maths

matrices 'may truh ,seez

matrix 'may triks

Pierre-Louis Maupertuis

maxima 'mak suh muh

maximum 'mak suh muhm

James Clark Maxwill

Julius Mayer

Wayne McDaniel

mean meen

Mécanique Analytique (Lagrange)

median 'mee dee uhn

Meditationes (Descartes)

Meditations Algebriae (Waring)

mega- 'meg uh

member 'mem buhr

Mémoir sur le calcul integral (d'Alembert)

Menaechmus ?375-325 muh 'nek muhs

Gregor Johann Mendel 1822-84

Menelaus ?-100 A.D. ,men uh 'lay uhs

Pietro Mengoli

Menger sponge

mensuration ,men suh 'ray shuhn

De Menura Sortis (Descartes)

Nicolas Mercater c1620-87

Ralph Merkle

Marin Mersenne 1588-1648

Franz Mertens

Mertens conjecture

metamathematics ,med uh ,math uh 'mad iks

La Méthode (Descartes)

Methodus as disquirendam maximum et minimum (Fermat)

Albert Michaelson

micro- 'my kroh

I. M. Milin

milli- 'mil ih

Roger Mills

John Milnor

minima 'min uh muh

minimum 'min uh muhm

Hermann Minkowski mi[ng] kuhf skee

minuend 'min yuh ,wend

minus 'my nuhss

minute (noun) 'min it

Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (Napier)

Mirifici logarithmorum canonis constructio (Napier)

Miscellanea Taurinensia

Gösta Mittag-Leffler 'y[oe]s tah 'mi tahk 'lef luhr

August Ferdinand Möbius 1790-1868 'ou gust 'feR di,n[oe]nt 'm[oe] bee us kind of like mer biuss without the "r" English: 'may bee uhs

modulo 'mahj uh ,loh

Abraham de Moivre 1667-1754 duh 'mwah vruh

Le Monde (Descartes)

monic ,mah nik

Gaspard Monge 1746-1818 mahnzh

monomial mah 'noh mee uhl

monotone 'mahn uh ,tohn

monotonic ,mahn uh ,tahn ik

monotonicity 'mahn uh ,tohn 'iss ih tee

Monte Carlo 'mahn tee 'kahr ,loh

Hugh Montgomery

Augustus de Morgan 1806-71 duh 'mawr guhn

Oskar Morgenstern

Bernard Morin

Edward Morley

Marston Morse

Samuel Finley Breese Morse 1791-1872

mortality mor 'ta luh tee

Jurgen Moser

C. d. Mozzochi

mu myoo

multipicand ,muhl tuh pli 'kand

multipication 'muhl tuh pli 'kay shuhn

multiplicative 'muhl tuh 'plik uh tiv

multiplicity ,muhl tuh 'pliss uhd ee


nabla 'nab luh

nano- 'na noh

John Napier 1550-1617 'nay pee uhr

Napoleon Bonaparte

nappe nap


natural 'nach ruhl

nautilus 'naw ti luhss

negative 'neg uhd iv

neighbor 'nay ber

neighborhood 'nay ber hud

nephroid 'ne froyd

Eric Neville

Max Newman

Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727 rhymes with Wayne Newton

Newtonian noo 'tohn ee uhn

Nichomachus of Gerasa late first century ni koh 'mah kuhss

Emmy Noether 1882-1935 'em ee 'n[oe] ter kind of like 'ner ter without the "r" Some English speakers may pronounce her name as 'noh eh thir

nomograph 'nahm uh graf

nonlinear 'nahn ,lin ee uhr

nonorientable ,nahn ohr ee ,ent uh buhl

nonremovable ,nahn ree 'moov uh buhl

notation noh 'tay shuhn


nth enth

nu noo

null nuhl

number 'nuhm buhr

numeral 'noom ruhl

numerator 'noo muh ,rayd uhr

numeri absurdi

numerical noo 'mehr ih kuhl

numeri ficti

numerology ,noo muh 'rah luh jee


obelisk 'ahb uh ,lisk

obelus 'ahb uh luhss

oblate ah 'blayt

oblique oh bleek

oblivious transfer uhb 'liv ee uhss trans 'fer

obtuse ahb 'tuss

octagon 'ahk tuh gahn

octagonal ahk 'tag uh nuhl

octahedron 'ahk tuh hee druhn

octal 'ahk tuhl

octant 'ahk tuhnt

octillion ahk 'til yuhn

odds ahdz

Andrew Odlyzko

odometer oh 'do muh tuhr

Hans Christion Oerstad

ogive 'oh ,jyv

George Simon Ohm 1789-1854

Wilhelm Olbers

omega oh 'may guh

omicron 'oh muh ,krahn

George Onoda

On the Sphere and the Cylinder (Archimedes)

Jon Hendrick Oort 1900-92 ohrt

open 'oh puhn

Opera Omnia

operation ,ahp uh 'ray shuhn

Opticks (Newton)

optimal 'ahp tuh muhl

orbit 'ohr buht

ordered 'ohrd uhrd

ordinal 'ohrd nuhl

ordinate 'ohrd nuht

Oregon 'ohr i guhn

Nicole Oresme 1323-82 o 'rem

orientable ,ohr ee ,en tuh buhl

origin 'ohr uh juhn

orrery 'ohr uh ree

orthocenter ,ohr thoh 'sen tuhr

orthogonal ohr 'thahg uhn uhl

osculating ,ahs kyuh ,layd i[ng]

osculation ,ahs kyuh 'lay shuhn

Frei Otto Oulipo

outlier 'out ly er


P pee

Friar Luca Paciola 1445-1517 pah chee 'oh lee

palindrome 'pa luhn ,drohm

pandigit ,pan 'di juht

Seymour Pappert

Pappus of Alexandria A.D. ?-300 'pa puhss al eg 'zan dree uh

parabola puh 'rab uh luh

parabolic ,par uh ,bahl ik

paradox 'par uh ,dahks

parallax 'par uh laks

parallel 'par uh lel

parallelepiped ,par uh lel uh 'py ped

parallelogram ,par uh 'lel uh gram

parameter puh 'ram uhd uhr

parametric ,par uh 'me trik

Vilfredo Pareto 1848-1923

Derek Parfit

parity 'par uhd ee

Thomas Parkin

partial 'pahr shuhl

partition pahr 'tish uhn

Blaise Pascal 1623-62 ,pa 'skal

path path

Wolfgang Pauli

payoff 'pay awf

Giuseppe Peano 1858-1932 pee 'ahn oh

pedal 'ped uhl

Heinz-Otto Peitgen

John Pell 1610-1685 pel

Roger Penrose 1931-

Pensées (Pascal)

pentagon 'pen tuh gahn

pentagonal pen 'tag uhn uhl

perigee 'pehr i jee

perigon 'per uh gahn

perihelion per i 'heel yon

perimeter puh 'rim uhd uhr

period 'pir ee uhd

periodicity ,pir ee uh 'diss uhd ee

permutation ,puhr myu 'tay shuhn

perturbation ,puhr tuhr 'bay shuhn

peta- 'pe tuh

phase fayz


phi fy (many people say fee, which is OK too) phi = φ (lower case) = Φ (uppercase) See also: Golden Section


Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton)

Lars Edvard Phragmén 1863-1937 lars 'ed vaird frag 'men

phyllotaxis ,fih luh 'tak suhs

pi py or pee (Greek pronunciation)

pi = π (lower case) = Π (uppercase)

Value is approximately 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

Picard pi 'kahr

pico- 'pee koh

piecewise 'peess wyz


pigeonhole principle 'pij uhn hohl 'prin suh puhl


placebo pluh 'see ,boh

planar 'play nuhr

Max Planc

plane playn

Plane loci (Apollonius)

Plato 429-348 'play ,toh

Platonic pluh 'tah nik

Platonism 'play tuhn ,i zuhm

Pliny the Elder

Plutarch 'ploo tahrk


Jules-Henri Poincaré 1854-1912 ,pwahn kah 'ray

point poynt

Simeon-Denis Poisson pwah 'sohn

polar 'poh luhr

polarity poh 'lar uhd ee

A. de Polignac

George Pólya ,pohl yuh

polygon 'pahl ee ,gahn

polynomial ,pah luh 'noh mee uhl

Carl Pomerance

Jean Victor Poncelet 1788-1867 pons 'le

pons asinorum

Porsche 'pohr shuh

position puh 'zi shuhn

positional puh 'zi shuh nuhl

positive 'pahz uhd iv

Emil Post

power 'pow uhr

precision pree 'sizh uhn

predecessor 'pred uh sess uhr


prime prym

primitive 'prim uhd iv


princeps mathematicorum

principal 'prin suh puhl

Principia preen 'kip ee uh

Principia Mathematica (Newton)

Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead)

Principia Philolsophiae (Descatres)

prism 'priz uhm

probability ,prahb uh 'bil uhd ee

product 'prahd uhkt

projection proh 'jek shuhn

prolate 'proh layt

proof proof

proper 'prah puhr

proportion pruh 'pohr shuhn

proportional pruh 'pohr shuhn uhl

propositon ,prahp uh 'zish uhn

propositional ,prahp uh 'zish uhn uhl

psi sy

Ptolemy ?100-168 'tahl uh mee

pure pyoor

pyramid 'pir ah mid

pyramidal ,pir uh ,mid uhl

Pythagoras of Samos 580-500 puh 'thag uh ,ruhss 'sam ohss

Pythagorean puh thag uh 'ree ahn

The Pythagorean Proposition (Loomis)